Male and Female Made He Them (3)

Contemporary Issues | by | Volume 28, Issue 6 | November - December 2022

In our previous articles we established that the basis of male and female roles is derived from the Genesis record.

We must always acknowledge that God does not make mistakes or leave us confused about His principles. God does not move with the times, and especially, He does not accept the evil morals and values of the post-modern world—a world which He is about to judge in righteousness.

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The Emerging Russia-Iran-Turkey Axis 

Watchman | by | Volume 28, Issue 6 | November - December 2022

We know from Ezekiel 38 that Persia (Iran) is a key part of Gog’s confederacy. This area consists of part of the ancient Babylonian and Persian empires. Also with Gog is Libya and Ethiopia (which includes modern day Sudan). These are both specifically mentioned in Daniel 11:43 as being with the King of the North. Togarmah is modern day Turkey, part of the ancient Eastern Roman Empire. A key description of Gog is that he is a “guard” or “protector” of these countries (38:7).  Ezekiel 38 is consistent with Daniel 2,7,8 and 11. All these chapters tell the same story but from different perspectives.

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Barnabas – Son of Consolation

Miscellaneous | by | Volume 28, Issue 6 | November - December 2022

It’s perhaps an understatement to say we live in disruptive times, and it can leave us feeling fatigued and even numb. Let’s spare a thought for our first century brothers and sisters, whose families were torn apart by men like Saul after the death of Stephen (Acts 11:19). We can imagine them fleeing in the night from Jerusalem, having had a father or mother or uncle or aunt brutally murdered or imprisoned. How distressing it would be to have to leave their lives behind: fleeing from their homes, schools, local markets and all the places that were familiar and comforting to them. Many travelled with what few possessions they could carry to places as far as Antioch in Syria and beyond. Antioch lay around 500km north of Jerusalem, some 2-3 weeks journey on foot. In these new places, these believers and their families would try to shape a new life. What a disruptive time for these Christians!

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Keren Hayesod – United Israel Appeal – Annual Information Evening

Miscellaneous | by | Volume 28, Issue 6 | November - December 2022

Each year we have the opportunity to connect with the Jewish community as a reminder of the strong connection we have with Abraham’s natural descendants. The Apostle Paul had an incredible desire to see the fulfilment of God’s purpose through His people, for he wrote in Romans 10:1, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved”. It is with this same earnest desire that we to look to the fulfilment of those verses and the eventual completion of the promises to Abraham.

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Smartphones and Your Memory

Miscellaneous | by | Volume 28, Issue 6 | November - December 2022

The exhortation to remember and to forget not is a constant theme throughout the Scriptures. Israel were frequently reminded to remember the works of God along with His commandments and statutes (Deut 8:11). They were instructed to teach their children about God’s power so that “they might set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments” (Psa 78:1-7).

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The Bread of Life (2)

Youth | by | Volume 28, Issue 6 | November - December 2022

There was no shortage of food provided to the people. They need never go short of spiritual food. Should they do so, then the lack would be due to their own indifference, not due to insufficiency on the Lord’s part. The Lord then sends out the disciples to collect up the leftovers. This emphasises that there would be ample spiritual food for all who desire to be filled with the teachings of Christ, yet this food was not to be wasted.

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The Lateral Line

Like humans, most bony fish experience the world around them using the classic senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. However, fish have an additional sixth sense, something that is more sophisticated than touch, and it is called the lateral line. This line runs around the eyes and gills and extends to the tail along the sides of the fish, generally in the middle. If you look close enough at the fish above, you might be able to make out what looks like a white line—but which are actually pore openings to a canal that form the lateral line.

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There are two different references to “Moreh” mentioned in the Scriptures.

The first occurs in Genesis 12:6. It was the first recorded halting-place of Abram after his entrance into the land of Canaan and whilst the AV has “plain of Moreh”, the Hebrew should more accurately be rendered, oak or oaks. This Moreh was close to “the place of Shechem” in the centre of the land.

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