Marvels of Creation

Self-Medicating in the Animal World

The science of animal self-medication is called zoopharmacognosy, derived from the roots, zoo (“animal”), pharma(“drug”), and gnosy (“knowing”). It’s not clear how much knowing or learning is involved, but many animals seem to have an innate ability to detect the therapeutic constituents in plants and other natural products.

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The Genius of the Foetal Circulatory System

Marvels of Creation | by | Volume 29, Issue 6 | November – December 2023

It is difficult to imagine a more profound testimony to design than the delivery of a fully developed baby that, only nine months ago, was a single cell. The degree of regulatory control and informational complexity of the process that drives embryonic development is far beyond human comprehension. Few biological phenomena are as gripping and awe-inspiring as the process of reproduction and the development of a baby in utero. The signature of design here is unmistakable, for so much of the process—from conception to delivery—depends on foresight and planning.

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Bone is living tissue and is the hardest tissue in the body. In Job 10:11 we read: “Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews”. Bones are protective like a fence. They provide security to the human frame as well as generating the means to expedite a natural defence against infections from without.

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The Lateral Line

Like humans, most bony fish experience the world around them using the classic senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. However, fish have an additional sixth sense, something that is more sophisticated than touch, and it is called the lateral line. This line runs around the eyes and gills and extends to the tail along the sides of the fish, generally in the middle. If you look close enough at the fish above, you might be able to make out what looks like a white line—but which are actually pore openings to a canal that form the lateral line.

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