Asia-Pacific Christadelphian Bible Mission: Victorian Regional Committee

The Christadelphian faith is no longer a Western dominated faith. There are now more brothers and sisters in Africa, Asia and other non-Western countries than there are in Western countries. It has been observed that in the present time there is an inverse relationship in riches and faith. The weal…

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Seleucia in Mesopotamia

After the death of Alexander the Great in 323BC, the territories he had conquered were divided between his generals, and his friend Seleucus Nicator (r. 312–281BC) became king of the eastern provinces stretching from Lebanon to Afghanistan. In Daniel chapter 11 this territory and power was known as “the king of the north”. This huge dominion had two capitals, which Seleucus founded at around the same time (305BC), namely Seleucia in Mesopotamia (Iraq) followed by Antioch in Syria.

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Unique Features of the Gospels: Matthew (2)

Youth | by | Volume 29, Issue 3 | May – June 2023

Matthew’s gospel is not in chronological order. It is referred to as the ‘didactic (instructive) gospel’ and is like a mosaic of the Master’s teachings, given in different places and at different times, but collected together and arranged to show the Lord as the master teacher; one of whom it would be recorded “the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (7:28-29).

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As We Grow Older

Book Review | by | Volume 29, Issue 3 | May – June 2023

Seventy years after his death, Brother William Islip Collyer (always known by his second name) remains one of our community’s most popular authors. Born in Leicester in 1876, he was baptised at Leicester in 1893 when he was 17. His earliest contribution to our literature was published in The Christadelphian for May 1895; another longer piece from his pen was published the following month. Until he fell asleep at the age of 77 on 10 March 1953, his insightful writings continued to grace the pages of that magazine, and later The Testimony, in the first issue of which he wrote the lead article.

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