How Amazing

Youth | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023

From the beginning, God let the earth sprout vegetation, created plants with seeds and trees bearing fruit. He formed valleys and rivers and established the mountains. He made our eyes so we can see His beautiful creation. He made our ears so we can hear the birds chirping, the trees creaking and the wind blowing. He made our nose to appreciate the smells of earth and fresh grass, of flowers as they blossom and bloom. But He also made our mouth—a mouth to praise and glorify Him!

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South African Christadelphian Summer Bible School Funding Appeal

Miscellaneous | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023

Since 1982, the Pinetown ecclesia has been involved in the organising of a Summer Bible School in South Africa, which is held at the end of December each year. We have been fortunate to secure speakers from oversees on many occasions, which has added tremendous value to those attending, to enhance …

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The Scripture Illustrated | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023

Rumination has the following definitions: “the act of thinking carefully and for a long period about something” and “the act of bringing up food from the stomach and chewing it again”. Yet, are these definitions really that different? One is the ‘chewing over’ of an idea in the mind, the other of food in the stomach. The eating definition is associated with a group of animals called ruminants, including cattle, sheep, goats, deer, giraffes, camels, and llamas. Being a ruminant was one of the requirements of clean animals under the Law (Lev 11:3; Deut 14:6), where “chewing the cud” is simply another way of saying rumination. 

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The Cherubim – A Developing Theme (1)

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023

This discussion is intended to be an introduction to the subject of the cherubim, to lay out the essentials of the subject as they develop through Scripture. It is not exhaustive—it is just enough to start the reader on a journey of discovery. It is a beautiful subject, but a deep one, for it reveals God’s working with and through man to develop His purpose.

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