
Israel’s 9/11

Watchman | by | Volume 29, Issue 6 | November – December 2023

On Saturday 7 October Hamas launched 5000 rockets at Israel in an early morning surprise attack it called “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”. Mohammad Deif, the Hamas military commander, issued a statement saying that the ongoing attacks were in retaliation for Israel’s “desecration” of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and urged Arabs in Jerusalem and inside Israel, in the Negev, the Galilee and northern Israel to “set the earth on fire under the feet of the occupiers”.

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Melbourne Prophecy Day

On a cold winter’s day in Melbourne, the 2023 Prophecy Day was held at the Ringwood Community Centre.

We were very grateful for the talks by Brother Andrew Dangerfield, who gave us a current event update, and Brother Steve Hornhardt, who spoke on Revelation 10 and 14.

Joel 3 was read to introduce Brother Andrew’s talk, which gave us a broad overview of current events. He spoke about the importance of Bible prophecy, helping us to hold onto our faith until the end. He spoke about the importance of prophecy in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ and how it gave him the strength to go to the cross.

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Geopolitical Effects of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in Light of Ezekiel 38

Watchman | by | Volume 29, Issue 4 | July – August 2023

Ezekiel 38:2 states: “Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him”. Magog was one of the sons of Japheth (see Gen 10:2). The descendants of the sons of Japheth generally settled in Europe. According to Josephus, Magog can be identified with the Scythians: “Magog founded those that from him were named Magogites, but who are by the Greeks called Scythians”.[1] By the time of Ezekiel in the sixth century BC, the Scythians had migrated from the east and settled in the region to the north of the Black Sea. As a National Geographic article about the archaeological remains of the Scythians stated:

“…the Scythians for some 400 years were masters of a great stretch of the European steppe. At its height their kingdom reached from the Danube east across Ukraine, Crimea, and Russia, all the way to the Don River and the Caucasus Mountains”.[2]

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The Emerging Russia-Iran-Turkey Axis 

Watchman | by | Volume 28, Issue 6 | November - December 2022

We know from Ezekiel 38 that Persia (Iran) is a key part of Gog’s confederacy. This area consists of part of the ancient Babylonian and Persian empires. Also with Gog is Libya and Ethiopia (which includes modern day Sudan). These are both specifically mentioned in Daniel 11:43 as being with the King of the North. Togarmah is modern day Turkey, part of the ancient Eastern Roman Empire. A key description of Gog is that he is a “guard” or “protector” of these countries (38:7).  Ezekiel 38 is consistent with Daniel 2,7,8 and 11. All these chapters tell the same story but from different perspectives.

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