
The Cherubim: A Developing Theme (2)

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 6 | November – December 2023

Both Elijah and Elisha were called “the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof” (2 Kings 2:12; 13:14) because it was known and understood that Yahweh was working through his prophets. The foundation for this expression is laid by David when he is instructing Solomon about building the temple. In 1 Chronicles 28:18 David calls the cherubim “the chariot of the cherubim”.

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The Cherubim – A Developing Theme (1)

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023

This discussion is intended to be an introduction to the subject of the cherubim, to lay out the essentials of the subject as they develop through Scripture. It is not exhaustive—it is just enough to start the reader on a journey of discovery. It is a beautiful subject, but a deep one, for it reveals God’s working with and through man to develop His purpose.

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Lamentations (1) An Introduction: Mourning for Jerusalem

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023

As the story has it, Napoleon was walking through a small village in France, when he heard weeping coming from inside a small ramshackle building nearby. The sound was enough to stop Napoleon in his tracks and compel him to investigate this commotion. As he entered the building, he happened upon a group of Jews sprawled pathetically across a stone floor, reading a scroll by candlelight, weeping as they read. In astonishment, Napoleon turned to his men, wanting to know what great calamity had befallen the Jewish people for them to weep in such a way. 

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The Fulness of Christ (4) – King of Kings, and Lord of Lords

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023

During the Lord’s ministry the disciples became increasingly aware of the nobility, grace and glory of their Master (John 1:14-16): “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth…And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace”.

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The Fulness of Christ (3) – “Christ in You, the Hope of Glory”

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 4 | July – August 2023

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Cor. 4:6)

In the previous article we reflected on the wondrous concept of being “in Christ”: members of his body, branches in the true vine, sheep led by the true shepherd, stones in a holy temple. These are lofty thoughts for finite minds, but the notion of “Christ in us” is even loftier.

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Caleb (6) – “He Had Another Spirit”

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 4 | July – August 2023

In Joshua 21 we are informed about the casting of lots for certain portions of the land for the Levites. In verses 10-11 we learn that God was going to decide which Levitical family would inherit the cities in the tribe of Judah, and Hebron in particular. We also learn that these children of Aaron were to be apportioned 13 cities amongst the tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin.

It is significant that the first city mentioned was Hebron (v11,13). Why is Hebron being emphasised by position and repetition? One reason is because Caleb had given it up as his inheritance—we have seen evidence for that in previous articles. A second reason is that while the many children of Aaron would be divided amongst the 13 cities, the direct high priestly line probably lived in Hebron.

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Some Encouraging Thoughts from the Epistle to Philippi (4)

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 4 | July – August 2023

“That I may win Christ…that I may know him”

We have seen how Paul made it abundantly clear that to know Jesus and his faithfulness to his Father is a vital motivating force in our spiritual transformation.

In Philippians 3:10, Paul encourages us to “know Jesus” intimately, something he has had to learn himself, and by this means understand the righteousness of God in him. He states that there is a need:

to know the power of his resurrection,

to know the fellowship of his sufferings,

to know what it means to be made conformable to his death.

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Some Encouraging Thoughts from the Epistle to Philippi (3)

Exposition | by | Volume 29, Issue 3 | May – June 2023

In the closing scenes of our last article, we spoke about our Lord being taken into heaven and presiding over the angels. There they witness Jesus being seated by his Father at His right hand and upon His throne. This is highlighted in Psalm 110:1: “Yahweh said unto my (David’s) Lord, sit thou at my right hand”. Within the writings of the New Testament, this is the most quoted and alluded to passage of the Old Testament. The reason for this is that it forms the foundation of our salvation.

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