Author name: Carl Parry

The Pharisee and The Publican

Editorial | by | Volume 29, Issue 5 | September – October 2023


Having spoken of the need to pray always and faint not, our Lord turns his attention to “those who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others” (Luke 18:9). The previous parable was specifically for the disciples and spoke of the manner by which God would vindicate His people. This parable is for a different audience—the religious leaders of his time—and deals with the fundamental question: how is one made right with God? In other words, on what basis does God declare a person righteous and effect reconciliation with Himself? 

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Men Ought Always to Pray and Not to Faint

Editorial | by | Volume 29, Issue 4 | July – August 2023


The parable concerning the unjust judge and the persistent widow is one which is only recorded by Luke in his 18thchapter. It follows hard on the heels of a salient warning in the previous chapter, in which our Lord described the dismemberment of the nation by the Roman eagles. He alerted his disciples to the signs that would herald that destruction. They would experience days identical to the days of Noah and the days of Lot in which violence and immorality would abound.

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The Sheep and The Goats (2)

Editorial | by | Volume 29, Issue 3 | May – June 2023


Inheriting the Kingdom

How can it be said that nations “inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world”?

The word, “inherit” “strictly means to receive by lot; then in a more general sense, to possess oneself of, to receive as one’s own, to obtain” (Vine). What will the nations obtain? The right to reside in their own countries as subjects to the King of kings and to the saints.

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Well Done!

Editorial | by | Volume 29, Issue 1 | January – February 2023


Whilst we know from the prophetic markers that we are living at the time of the end no one knows the exact hour of our Lord’s appearance (Matt 24:36,42,44, 50; 25:13). In light of this, our Master seeks from us all a constant readiness, a state of alertness which is combined with wisdom and faith…

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Honour and Majesty Hast Thou Laid Upon Him

Editorial | by | Volume 28, Issue 5 | September - October 2022


We are most likely familiar with some of the more well-known psalms which describe the prowess and victory of the future king of all the earth. Psalms like Psalm 72 portray a sovereign who rules the world with justice and mercy. . Psalm 45 describes him riding prosperously with the people falling beneath his steed.

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